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Deprogramming – A Note About Suicide Programming

From – DeprogramWiki!

Super Important Warning and Disclaimer

If you believe you maybe involved or apart of MPD or this trauma mind control somehow as a survivor, then please understand some of the content on this website can potentially be very dangerous to read, if it’s the wrong time and can be potentially fatal. This is totally serious, and I am not responsible for anything that occurs from people reading the material on this site. The contents within these articles will most certainly trigger a survivors defensive programmings.


This Wiki is a collaboration of information regarding what is referred to as ‘Undetectable Mind Control’. This phenomenon goes by many names also, and maybe understood as something different for other people. Given the subjective nature of readers this website will either be a joke or the holy grail of truthful information. The information on this website is only posted and shared here for educational and informative purposes only.

There are a few authors who have contributed to the Wiki, and we hope to present the most comprehensive and complete website detailing to share information freely relating on solutions of the trauma mind control epidemic. We really hope our efforts have filled the gap regarding people learn about these Illuminati cults, how to identify them and most importantly how to undo the damage they have done to the minds of survivors and the world.

If you are going to work with ritual abuse survivors, you must also get educated if you want to be effective. And you must learn to be humble. Trauma survivors do not need to be around ignorant, modern-day Pharisees. Survivors in pain need people who will connect with them on an emotional level, get right down in there where they are, and listen. –Kathleen Sullivan

DeprogramWiki has a massive collection of resources that attempts to cover all areas of deprogramming and programming. Deprogramming relates to anything that can help undo and heal the survivors negative thoughts and habits resulting from ritual trauma – and move into a new life. Under any and all circumstances the information on this website will always remain free. There are plenty of people who have suffered greatly to make this website a reality, and to those I give my deepest thanks.

Any persons mentioned by name on this website is posted without prejudice or deformation intent and is shared only for the safety of other survivors and the public safety and interest.

Deprogramming Resources

Deprogramming Modalities

For myself trying to find any deprogramming information relating to this mind control had me sort and organise through a lot of triggering material, which made things harder. Although Deprogramming Modalities would still cause post traumatic issues, it has an emphasis on deprogramming without too much graphic detail on programming or programming setups.

Deprogramming Modalities for Trauma Mind Control Survivors is a collaborative effort to create a one stop resource to give a survivor or therapist a complete overview of the deprogramming and undoing the trauma mind control, along with information on how to safely leave the cult. The information in Deprogramming Modalities is based on my own deprogramming experiences, with insights from other survivors from different parts of the world.

Each section also links to relevant material found elsewhere on this website.

Expect a new updated version for the new 2020 year!

Svali’s Work

Svali’s resources relate to deprogramming and also descriptions of programming. It’s an invaluable resource to what life is like inside the cult.

  1. All of Svali’s Material

  2. Svali’s 1st Series

  3. Svali’s Blog Posts – Sadly these were stuffed away in a web archive website, that not even Google could get to. I hope by moving them here they become more reconised and mentioned, as they are a very good resource.

  4. Svali Speaks Again – Svali’s latest blog at

  5. Svalis Older Articles

  6. Its Not Impossible (PDF Download)

Survivors Stories and Books

Other survivors have also published their own experiences and have made their stories available to download freely.

Jian Liang – Break the MK Chain – MkUltra Never Ended

Jian Liang hosts her website Break the MK Chain and has published her experiences in Spanish and also English, with a Chinese translation in the works. You can download her book with these links

Fiona Bartlett – An Australian Experience of Ritual Abuse & Mind Control

Fiona is a prominent MkUltra and ritual abuse survivor from Australia who has published a lot of information about the programs there, along with her own personal experiences. She recently has released a revised edition of her book ‘Eyes Wide Open’ of which you can download for free, Eyes Wide Open PDF.

She also is active on her blog website

PDF Resources and Downloads

These are PDF and book resources relating to programming and deprogramming, freely available for download.

  1. Ritual Abuse and Mind Control – Manipulation of Attachment Needs (PDF Download) – Psychotherapists attempts at deprogramming. One of the rare books that gives some insights into deprogramming.

  2. Chainless Slaves (PDF Download) – More insights into programming mainly. Good as an informational resource.

  3. Ritual Abuse and Torture in Australia 2006 (PDF Download)

  4. Its Not Impossible – Svali (PDF Download)

Other Links to Blogs and Websites

We have a page that contains links to other websites here Web Links to Other Websites.

  1.– (This site no longer seems to exist, sorry! It is available on the Wayback Machine Internet Archive ) Great and fresh resource regarding MKULTRA in Australia – a rarely discussed topic.

  2. From the Inside Out – If you are living with the consequences of your own or another’s sexual abuse, ritual abuse, mind control or dissociative conditions, you are welcome to join us here. We are a group of people on a journey. We have each in our ways have seen and tasted the devastation the enemy brings to human lives and minds and we have responded to the gentle wooing of the one true God, the sustainer of the universe. Having been permitted by Him to glimpse the freedom only He can bring we have watched Him ignite in us the spark of hope that our abusers could never destroy.

  3. Surviving Ritual Abuse at Australia – This webpage is to assist both survivors, and their supporters, of ritual abuse. It is for both Australian survivors and for people looking for support at Australia. The webpage firstly defines what ritual abuse is. It then describes the organisations’ indoctrination methods, especially the programming. It then outlines recovery, especially from the programming. The last section provides the names, telephone numbers and webpage addresses of supportive people and bodies.

  4. Recovery from Generational Organised Crime abusing Mind Control at Australia – My name is David Free. I am an Australian survivor of Generational Organised Crime which abuses Mind Control or GOC/MC. I have been in long term therapy for twenty years concerning groups which abuse mind control. The last ten years have been spent directly on GOC/MC with counsellors and email support lists for survivors. Therapy before GOC/MC was for sexual assault mainly by the father and ritual abuse by many and various cults which involved the father. I have had many articles published in books in Australia and overseas on being a ritual abuse survivor.

  5. Ritual Abuse Information for Survivors and Supporters – These pages have been written for survivors, and their supporters, of ritual abuse. It is also general education and a summary. The pages has a focus on the Australian situation and resources. It has been written by David, an Australian, long term ritual abuse survivor. He has done extensive public education on the issue including national television. He also has on going support with other survivors and people concerned about the issue.

  6. Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse – Recognizing and Recovering From the Hidden Trauma. Many cult members are highly sophisticated in the art of mind control and torture. As mentioned earlier, it is important to stay measured and cautious while exploring the possibility of cult abuse in someone’s background, whether you’re a therapist or a friend. If you get to the core of the problem too fast, and the person doesn’t have a strong support network, as, for instance, a number of friends in Twelve Step self-help, you risk losing that person because of cult programming.

  7. – The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of humanity, isto understand how it functions and take steps to reduce your vulnerability.

  8. Stop Ritual Abuse – Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of these horrific crimes against children and adults. There has also been an attempted cover up of these crimes by child pornographers, those with pro-pedophilia philosophies and those defending child molesters in the public or legal arena.

  9. Ritual Abuse and Mind Control—Kathleen Sullivan – Quoted, with personal observations added, from the September 15, 1989 Report of the Ritual Abuse Task Force – Los Angeles County Commission for Women. Back in 1989, this report was considered to be ground-breaking. Since then, much more information has been published about the connections between ritual abuse and mind-control. However, the information included in the report is still enormously helpful to both survivors and to others wishing to learn more about organized criminal sadistic abuse, cult ritual abuse, and mind-control techniques used on the perpetrators’ victims.

  10.– Membership in Survivorship is a powerful way to break the isolation and silence and to come together in community. It is a way for people to connect with each other, to validate each other’s feelings and experiences, to share information, and to offer each other support and understanding.

  11. Menawa – Ritual Abuse & How to Heal– The following two videos are with Jay Parker at the 2011 Free Your Mind Conference. Parker claims to come from a multi-generational Satanic family. He also claims to be a survivor of Satanic ritual abuse. This blog has various links to more information about Ritual Abuse and related topics.

  12. Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming – This list only provides common indicators. Most survivors of programming will have many of these indicators. However, the presence of indicators does not prove the existence of programming trauma. Their absence does not mean a person has no such trauma.

  13. S.M.A.R.T Healing from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control – This transcript is from a presentation by Carol Rutz at The Sixth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, August 8 – 10, 2003 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Windsor Locks, CT. Some of the topics discussed may be heavy for survivors. Survivors may want to read this with a support person or therapist. The conference is educational and not intended as therapy or treatment. All accusations are alleged. Our providing the information below does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of it.

  14. Tu’Takana’s Blog Spot – Where One MK Ultra Survivor and Indigo Adult Speaks Her Truth

  15. MK Ultra Survivor – ‘or how my my alters and i are merging together’

  16. MKULTRA Used on Aaron Alexis for the Navy Yard PsyOp – As I’ve said before, the Illuminati has done endless experimentation on innocent people and they are masters of control. They wage war on patriots, and where would you find more patriots than the US military? They give their lives to protect their country and its people.

  17. Project MKUltra – After the end of World War II, the climate of worldwide conflict changed and the dawn of the Cold War altered the direction of military strategy. The United States saw a need to establish an agency to conduct worldwide intelligence-gathering operations and to engage in espionage and counter-terrorism.

  18. Ultra Mk Universal Super Soldier Program – This is a short video about the history of the super soldier project. The team unit I was on is alpha squad 45.

  19. clandestine rage revealed – It’s time to talk!

  20. – Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story and other resources more towards the Satanic ritual abuse.

  21. End Ritual Abuse – I am a psychologist who has been profoundly touched by victims of ritual abuse and mind control whom I have treated in therapy or befriended as an advocate. I feel compelled to increase public support for these children and adult survivors. This is my mission.

  22. The Hard Facts About Satanic Ritual Abuse – WARNING: Because of the horrific nature of these reports, some of this article may be disturbing to readers. Every attempt has been made to deal with the subject objectively and with circumspect language.

  23. – It has been a couple of years since I created this webpage. I have had a lot of reactions on this page. Many were encouraging, but every now and then someone takes the time to write me to “stop lying and start living” as some one wrote me. I really want to say that it is because of those people, the ones who find it all unbelievable, that SRA continues from generation on generation.

  24. The Secret that Goes on Behind Closed Doors – When a child is born into a family or taken into a guardianship group that commits ritual abuse-torture they are chronically neglected, repetitively abused, terrorised, and exploited into sexualised human trafficking and pornography. They are horrified and they are tortured.

  25. Working with Ritual Abuse Survivors – The term “ritual abuse” is used to mean different things: it can mean “ritualistic” abuse: repetitive, planned out, compulsive abuse by an isolated perpetrator. More frequently, it describes abuse by an organized group of people, most often by a satanic cult. This presentation is about abuse in satanic cults.

  26. Account of “Brice Taylor” and her daughter “Kelly” – Two women tortured, brainwashed and prostituted by the Illuminati paint a disturbing picture of how the world is really run. Both say they were prostituted to world leaders as children.

  27. THE GREENBAUM SPEECH of D.C.HAMMOND – Herein is the lecture by D.C.Hammond, originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech,” delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia.

  28. Monarch (MK-Ultra) Deprogramming – Before beginning, I must warn you that the testimony my mother and I are about to share is extremely disturbing! Many of you will not be able to accept the information as truth, and that is because our society has been lulled to sleep by powerful people seeking to fulfill a demonic agenda. I ask you to please keep an open mind – this will necessitate you coming out of your comfort zone. Yahweh wants me to share this experience so that other victims may realize His power to heal!

  29. Wikipedia: Satanic Ritual Abuse– S’atanic ritual abuse (‘SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organised abuse, sadistic ritual abuse and other variants) was a moral panic that originated in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout the country and eventually to many parts of the world, before subsiding in the late 1990s.

  30. CIA MKULTRA Collection – The Black Vault

  31. Central Intelligence Agency collection : Internet Archive

  32. List of 149 MKULTRA Subprojects

  33. The People’s History: MK-ULTRA: The CIA and Mind Control

  34. Project Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists by Colin A. Ross M.D. (10-Page Summary)

  35. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences by John D. Marks (available to read here online, as well as here in PDF format)

  36. Mind Control Summary: The Secrets of Mind Control Based on Three Books by Top Mind Control Researchers

  37. CIA Mind Control Experiments: De, More

  38. 5 Most Shocking CIA Experiments of Project MKULTRA – YouTube

  39. Programmed to Kill by David McGovern (overview)

  40. Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by David McGowan (pdf)

  41. Operation Midnight Climax – Wikispooks

  42. Monarch Project | The Conspiracy Wiki

  43. Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton

  44. Monarch: The New Phoenix Program (Documentary)

  45. Monarch The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Thomas

  46. Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control – The Vigilant Citizen

  47. Trance-Formation of America by Mark Philips and Cathy O’Brien (PDF)

  48. Thanks For The Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave by Brice Taylor

  49. The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

  50. [Original Content] MK-ULTRA: The CIA’s research program into ‘Biological Behavioral Engineering’, AKA Mind Control. PART 1: Introduction, Brainwashing, and the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology

  51. [Original Content] MK-ULTRA: The CIA’s research program into ‘Biological Behavioral Engineering’, AKA Mind Control. PART 2: Unwitting Testing, Entrapment, and the Personality Assessment System

  52. [Original Content] MK-ULTRA: The CIA’s research program into ‘Biological Behavioral Engineering’, AKA Mind Control. PART 3: Hypnotism

  53. original MKULTRA document detailing basic hypnosis techniques (PDF)

  54. original MKULTRA document detailing experiments in hypnotizing children into planting and arming bombs (PDF)

  55. original MKULTRA document describing the creation of a mind controlled killer (PDF)

  56. original Project Artichoke document describing a U.S. government human experimentation program (PDF)

part 2

Hi everyone, this is Part 2 of my Deprogramming Series, uploaded on 11/10/17. In this video, I give an additional disclaimer about suicide programming.

I ask that you be extra careful in watching this video, however, because in March of 2018, I discovered that someone had implanted subliminal images in the beginning of two of my videos. I don’t know how many of my videos have been affected by this, so this is yet another reason why I am transcribing my videos here.

Trigger warning: Mk Ultra/Monarch mind control, dissociative identities, deprogramming, suicide programming, working with parts, grounding exercises, psychiatric hospitalization, calling ambulances


Edited transcript:

Hello, my name is Katy Groves and this is part two of my series about how I have been systematically deprogramming myself from trauma-based mind control for the last three and a half years. This video is meant to be watched after my previous video, the first one, titled “Introduction & Disclaimer,” and before any other videos in the series. This video is an additional disclaimer, specifically about suicide programming.

Now, this is only a risk that would apply to survivors of mind control. If you know for a fact you’re not a survivor of mind control, then this does not apply to you, but if you think you might be, then I suggest that you listen very carefully to what I’m about to say.

One of the most profound risks in deprogramming oneself, especially if one does not have a safe therapist (which can be hard to find for these issues), is the risk of suicide programming. Suicide programming is mind control programming – forced sequences of behavior carried out dissociatively, often without a person’s conscious knowledge – that forces a person to commit suicide. So a person who’s activated in this way would typically go into a trance (they may or may not be aware of it at the time, consciously) and they may kill themselves or attempt to kill themselves without consciously choosing to do so.

This is a very scary thing. I’m scared making this video. I hope that what I’ve said in this video so far has not activated anyone in that programming, but I know that just hearing about it can activate some survivors. I think it’s important though to share this first before someone who’s trying to deprogram themselves uses my videos because the last thing that I want is for someone to watch this stuff and try to use these tools before they’re able to find safe parts within themselves that can protect them from this threat of suicide programming.

So I will speak from my personal experience as a mind control survivor. I have struggled a lot with suicide programming, especially in the first few months that I was deprogramming myself. And in that time, when I would become overwhelmed or I would come upon a program that was booby trapped with this programming, I would suddenly go into dissociative parts or dissociative parts would try to take over that would try to force me to leave the house and commit suicide in a very specific way.

This was very terrifying for me and I checked myself into a crisis stabilization unit a few times. I was even hospitalized for between three days and seven days at a time, a few different times, in order to prevent those parts from taking over and give myself a chance to stabilize and get ahold of my system. This was very frightening and obviously I did not succeed in killing myself. I did not even attempt to do so, but I did have threats from parts who were programmed that way and it was a result from trying to deprogram programs that I was not yet able to contain, that I did not yet have the tools to truly handle.

And so, I share this not to give people advice on how they can treat themselves for this issue – I don’t know what you need to do to heal yourself or prevent yourself from hurting yourself in these ways – but I do know that it is important to at least inform anyone who wishes to watch these videos that this is a risk and that even if you’re unaware that you have this programming, you might have it. Most survivors I’ve talked to have it and so, I think it is something to be aware of.

I think the most important thing for me, before going into the heavy trauma work, was to find safe adult parts of myself that could hold space for the little kids inside. So before I was able to really deprogram myself I had to spend a lot of time meeting dissociative parts and learning about part of my dissociative system, getting enough information about who I have inside to find the parts of me that could stop us physically from hurting ourselves if we became activated.

Mind control programs are created by programmers with no intention of being stopped by the victim and so it can be very difficult to go up against them (I will post more videos that explain why it is so hard to interrupt and stop a mind control program), but it is possible to neutralize them. I have found that for me, doing grounding techniques, learning to get connected to the present moment, breathing (calming my fear), etc. has been helpful. Squeezing my fists has been really helpful for me too. It’s helped my blood to circulate, helped me to come back into my body… Anything that gets me connected to the present moment (out of the dissociation) can help anchor me in safer parts of myself who will prevent those programs from taking over and resulting in suicide.

So I also called suicide hotlines during the few months when I was in and out of hospitals trying to deprogram myself and so I’ve put a list of them down below. I can’t verify that any of these organizations are safe, but I can tell you that I have benefitted from calling [some of] them. Nothing bad has happened to me as a result of calling them. I’ve never actually called 911 on myself because I had a support person at the time living in my home who I was able to ask for help when these things happened. I was able to get rides to the crisis stabilization unit and get her general support, which was really helpful for me. So I never had to call 911 on myself, but I probably would have done so if I had not had another option, as I did not have a car and I don’t believe it would have been safe for me to drive when I was so dissociated. So if that’s something you have to do, if you feel you’re at that much risk, calling 911 [or an alternative emergency number] may be a good option.

Whatever it has taken for me to save myself has been worth it. Getting through the early stages of my deprogramming without committing suicide was difficult, but it happened and so I believe that it is possible for others too.

I also did not have a safe therapist at the time. I shared that in my last video. I have never been able to find a safe therapist, one who can actually treat me for my ritual abuse and mind control trauma and my DID, but I have called therapists before in crisis who have helped to some degree. And so, if you find yourself in this place and you have a safe therapist, definitely, I would suggest you consider that an option.

So, that’s it. Caution in watching this series is advised. I’m going to be sharing a lot of heavy things in the upcoming videos and I hope that you all find them helpful. Thank you.


Original transcript:

Hello, my name is Katy Groves and this is part two of my series about how I have been systematically deprogramming myself from trauma-based mind control for the last three and a half years. This video is to be watched before any other videos are watched in the series and is preferably watched after the viewer watches my previous video, the first one, titled “Introduction & Disclaimer.” This video is an additional disclaimer, specifically about suicide programming.

Now, this is only a risk that would apply to survivors of mind control. If you’re – if you know for a fact you’re not a survivor of mind control, then this does not apply to you, but if you think you might be, then I suggest that you listen very carefully to what I’m about to say.

One of the most profound risks in deprogramming oneself, especially if one does not have a safe therapist (which can be hard to find for these issues), is the risk of suicide programming. Suicide programming is mind control programs, forced sequences of behavior carried out dissociatively, often without a person’s conscious knowledge… And it is a mind control program that forces a person to commit suicide. So a person who’s activated in this way would typically go into a trance (they may or may not be aware of it at the time, consciously) and they may kill themselves or attempt to kill themselves without consciously choosing to do so.

This is a very scary thing. I’m scared making this video. I hope I have not even activated anyone so far in that programming, but just hearing about it can activate some survivors. I think it’s important though to share this first before someone will use my videos who’s trying to deprogram themselves because the last thing that I want is for someone to prematurely watch this stuff and try to use these tools before they’re able to find safe parts within themselves that can protect them from this threat of suicide programming.

So I will speak from my personal experience as a mind control survivor. I have struggled a lot with suicide programming, especially in the first few months that I was deprogramming myself. And in that time, when I would become overwhelmed or I would come upon a program that was booby trapped with this programming, I would suddenly go into dissociative parts or dissociative parts would try to take over that would try to force me to leave the house and commit suicide in a very specific way.

This was very terrifying for me and I checked myself into a crisis stabilization unit a few times. I was even hospitalized for between three days and seven days at a time, a few different times, in order to prevent those parts from taking over and give myself a chance to stabilize and get ahold of my system. This was very frightening and obviously I did not succeed in killing myself. I did not even attempt to do so, but I did have threats from parts who were programmed that way and it was a result from trying to deprogram programs that I was not yet able to contain, that I did not have the tools yet to truly handle.

And so, I share this not to give people advice on how they can treat themselves in this way – I don’t know what you need to do to heal yourself or prevent yourself from hurting yourself in these ways – but I do know that it is important to at least inform anyone who wishes to watch these videos that this is a risk and that even if you’re unaware that you have this programming you might have it and… In fact, most survivors I’ve talked to have it… And so, it is something to be aware of.

I think the most important thing for me was to find safe adult parts of myself, before going into the heavy trauma work, that could hold space for the little kids inside. So before I was able to really deprogram myself I had to do a lot – spend a lot of time meeting dissociative parts and learning about part of my dissociative system, getting enough information about who I have inside to find the parts of me that could stop us physically from hurting ourselves if we became activated.

Mind control programs are created by programmers with no intention of being stopped by the victim and so it can be very, very difficult going up against these. And I will post more videos that explain why it is so hard to interrupt and stop a mind control program. But it is possible to neutralize it. I have found that for me, doing grounding techniques, learning to get connected to the present moment, breathing (calming my fear)… Squeezing my fists like this has been really helpful to me, helping my blood to circulate, helping me to come back into my body… Anything to get me connected to the present moment (out of the dissociation) can help anchor me in safer parts of myself who will prevent those programs from taking over and resulting in suicide.

So I’ve also called suicide hotlines before during this period of time, these few months when I was in and out of these hospitals trying to deprogram myself, and so I’ve put a list of suicide hotlines down below. I can’t verify that any of these organizations are safe, but I can tell you that I have benefitted from calling those hotlines, nothing bad has happened to me as a result of calling them, and I’ve never actually called 911 on myself because I had a support person at the time living in my home who I was able to ask for help when these things happened and I was able to get rides to the crisis stabilization unit and get her support and so, that was really helpful for me. So I never had to call 911 on myself, but I probably would have done so if I had not had another option, as I did not have a car and I don’t believe it would have been safe for me to drive when I was in that condition cause I was so disassociated. So if that’s something you have to do, if you feel you’re at that much risk, calling 911 may be a good option. Whatever it takes, you know, whatever it has taken for me to save myself has been worth it and getting through the early stages of my deprogramming without committing suicide was difficult, but it happened and so I believe that it is possible for others too.

I also did not have a safe therapist at the time. I shared that in my last video. I have never been able to find a safe therapist, one who can actually treat me for my ritual abuse and mind control trauma and my DID, but I have called therapists before in crisis who have helped to some degree. And so, if you find yourself in this place and you have a safe therapist, definitely, I would suggest you consider that an option. So, that’s all. Viewer discretion is advised. I’m going to be sharing a lot of heavy things in the upcoming videos and I hope that you all find them helpful. Thank you.


Hi everyone, this is Part 1 of my Deprogramming Series, uploaded on 11/7/17. In this video, I introduce myself and give some disclaimers.

I ask that you be extra careful in watching this video, however, because in March of 2018, I discovered that someone had implanted subliminal images in the beginning of two of my videos. I don’t know how many of my videos have been affected by this, so this is yet another reason why I am transcribing my videos here.

Trigger warning: Satanic ritual abuse, Mk Ultra/Monarch mind control, Polyfragmented DID, deprogramming, therapy, cult-planned therapists, being an ex-programmer


Edited transcript:

Hello, my name is Katy Groves and I am a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control programming. This video is meant to serve as a disclaimer for my upcoming series on how I have personally deprogrammed myself in part from ritual abuse and mind control programming.

Like I said, I have partially deprogrammed myself. I have done a tremendous amount of work in the last three and a half years to free myself. I’ve largely integrated myself from Polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder and I’ve gone to great lengths to free myself from the mind control programming that kept me bound to the Satanic cult in which I was raised for seventeen years.

To my knowledge, I am no longer in contact with any members of the cult or any other cult, however I do not claim perfect freedom. I still have programs that activate that keep me bound in self-harm (mostly emotional), depression and dysfunction. I do not, however, have any programs, to my knowledge, that keep me going to cult members. I do not have any reporting alters, to my knowledge, that force me to report things to the cult. However, I am not confident that these things aren’t happening dissociatively and so I do not wish to paint myself in any kind of false light.

I’m not perfectly healed, I struggle with the same things that most survivors of mind control suffer from for all of their lives and so I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. But like I said, I have done a lot to heal myself and I believe at this stage of my healing I am safe to make videos sharing my experience and the tools that I have developed for healing myself from mind control programming.

Now, the important part is “healing myself.” I can only heal myself. I have no idea what anyone else needs. I may have some ideas, basic ideas, of what’s generally helpful for people who’ve been mind-controlled and what isn’t, but I cannot tell anyone what they need. It’s not my place to even speak in a general way about what anyone other than myself needs to break free from mind control. So I’m speaking only from my experience and I do not wish for anyone to try these things blindly.

(I’d like to note that at this point in the video, I switch states and begin speaking from an alter who says “I encourage…” a lot. I am sorry for the immediate inconsistency here about giving advice. While we do generally agree with their suggestions, we did our best to limit what they said.)

If you hear something that inspires you, I encourage you to look within yourself and ask yourself if it is truly what you need in that moment and if it’s safe for you to try it in whatever setting, whatever capacity you can.

So the next thing I want to say is that I’m not a therapist. I do not have any therapeutic training whatsoever. My psychoanalytic training was actually as a mind control programmer in the cult in which I was raised. I’m a government mind control survivor and I was programmed to program others. I was given a very intensive education around how to do that and how to control other people’s minds and that’s largely why I’ve been able to free myself. There are other key factors in place that made this possible, but one of the biggest things was my analytic knowledge, my education that was forced upon me from an extremely young age about mind control science. And so I do have a lot of knowledge of that and that is what I am going to share, but I have no therapeutic training and I do not wish for anyone to mistake the things I say as professional opinion.

You can even write off everything I say as complete lunacy, as all a delusion, if you like. It’s not really my business what you do with this, but I want to make sure that people are informed that I’m a young adult without even a high school diploma and I’m not qualified to give anyone any kind of professional advice.

A trigger warning for this series: the things I’m going to share may be highly activating for survivors. They may be upsetting for anyone, but they may be highly activating for survivors, especially those who’ve been programmed in the Monarch program, which is what I endured. So, to those of you who’ve been through Mk Ultra and Monarch mind control, watch this with extreme caution. I’m not going to go into too much detail about the abuse. I’m going to do my absolute best to be as focused on healing as possible, but I am going to have to talk about the mechanics of programming in order to help the viewer understand how to deprogram themselves.

A lot of how I’ve deprogrammed myself is through self-education and awareness, bringing the programmer parts of my mind into co-consciousness with the parts of me that were programmed without awareness of what mind control programming is about. That’s been a huge part of my healing, so I am going to talk about the mechanics of that stuff. I encourage anyone who watches this to check in with themselves frequently. I encourage survivors with multiple parts to ask their parts how they feel when they watch my videos and how they feel about me.

I might not be the person to deliver this message to you, so I encourage anyone who watches this to ask themselves if they even think that I’m healed enough to be giving them this information from a survivor-to-survivor perspective. I never know who is going to carry the message to me and who isn’t, so if I’m not that person, I encourage you to look elsewhere. But if something I say resonates with you, I encourage you to keep listening if you feel that it is safe for you to do so.

Lastly, I want to say that, as I’m not a therapist, having a safe therapist who can help you go through the process of deprogramming yourself may be vital for you. Again, I’m not trying to speak for anyone or give anyone advice, however I will say that it is strongly recommended by most of the literature I’ve read and most of the professionals I’ve spoken to that we survivors have professionals who we can go to for support.

Now, that’s not always possible. I personally have not been able to find a safe therapist. In fact, many of the therapists I’ve had – if not all of them – have been planned by the cult that I grew up in. I believe there may have been one who wasn’t, but most were part of the cult or programmed by the cult to keep my programming in line. They were there to oppress survivors, pretend to be helpful, but really be there as agents of the cult and the cult network, the network of ritual abusers who work together to keep their victims enslaved.

If you can, you may benefit from finding a safe therapist if you don’t have one already. That would be the most frequently recommended way to try any kind of approach to healing from trauma-based mind control – to use any of the tools that I share or any that you find elsewhere. Basically, it’s not encouraged by the professional community to treat yourself.

However, I myself have had to do that. I’ve had to heal mostly on my own, so that is part of what I have to offer. I can testify that it has been possible for me to break free largely on my own.

Okay, my video is about to time out. I can only do nine minutes or so at a time. So I hope that I’ve said what’s needed to be said and in the next video I’m going to address another, final piece of this disclaimer about suicide programming. Thank you.


Original transcript:

Hello, my name is Katy Groves and I am a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control programming. This video is meant to serve as a disclaimer for my upcoming series on how I have personally deprogrammed myself in part from ritual abuse and mind control programming.

Like I said, I have partially deprogrammed myself. I have done a tremendous amount of work in the last three and a half years to free myself. I’ve largely integrated myself from Polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder and I’ve gone to great lengths to free myself from the mind control programming that kept me bound to the Satanic cult in which I was raised for seventeen years.

To my knowledge, I am no longer in contact with any members of the cult or any other cult, however I do not claim perfect freedom. I still have programs that activate that really just keep me bound in self-harm, mostly emotional, and depression and dysfunction, but I do not have any programs, to my knowledge, that keep me going to cult members. I do not have any reporting alters, to my knowledge, that force me to report things to the cult. However, I am not confident that these things aren’t happening dissociatively and so I do not wish to paint myself in any kind of false light.

I’m not perfectly healed, I struggle with the same things that most survivors of mind control suffer from for the rest of their lives and so I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. But like I said, I have done a lot to heal myself and I believe at this stage of my healing I feel safe and I don’t feel like I’m putting anyone at risk by making videos sharing my experience and the tools that I have developed for healing myself from mind control programming.

Now, the key word is healing “myself.” I can only heal myself. I have no idea what anyone else needs. I may have some ideas, basic ideas, of what’s generally helpful for people who’ve been mind-controlled and what isn’t, but I cannot tell anyone what they need and it’s not my place to even speak in a general way about what anyone other than myself needs to break free from mind control. So I’m speaking only from my experience and I do not wish for anyone to try these things blindly.

If you hear something that inspires you, I encourage you to look within yourself and ask yourself if it is truly what you need in that moment and if it’s safe for you to try in whatever setting, whatever capacity you can.

So, the second thing I want to say, the next thing I want to say is that I’m not a therapist. I do not have any therapeutic training whatsoever. My training, actually, my psychoanalytic training, came as a mind control programmer in the cult in which I was raised. I’m a government mind control survivor and I was programmed to program others. And I was given a very intensive education around how to do that and how to control other people’s minds. And that’s largely why I’ve been able to free myself. There are other key factors in place that made this possible, but one of the biggest things was my analytic knowledge, my education that was forced upon me from an extremely young age about mind control science. And so I do have a lot of knowledge of that and that is what I am going to share, but I have no therapeutic training and I do not wish for anyone to mistake the things I say as professional opinion.

You can even write everything off I say as complete lunacy, as all a delusion, if you like. It’s not really my business what you do with this, but I want to make sure that people are informed that I’m a young adult without even a high school diploma and I’m not qualified to give anyone any kind of professional advice.

So… What else was I going to say? I just went blank. It happens to me a lot. Trigger warning. That’s what I want to say. Sorry if that came out in a triggering way.

The things I’m going to share may be highly activating for survivors. They may be upsetting for anyone, but they may be highly activating for survivors, especially those who’ve been programmed in the Monarch program, which is what I endured. So, to those of you who’ve been through Mk Ultra and Monarch mind control, watch this with extreme caution. I’m not going to go into too much detail about the abuse. I’m going to do my absolute best to be as focused on healing as possible, but I am going to have to talk about the mechanics of programming in order to help the viewer understand how to deprogram themselves.

A lot of how I’ve deprogrammed myself is through self-education and awareness, bringing the programmer parts of my mind into co-consciousness with the parts of me that were programmed without awareness of what mind control programming is about. That’s been a huge part of my healing and so I am going to talk about the mechanics of that stuff. So I encourage anyone who watches this to check in with themselves frequently, for survivors with multiple parts to ask your parts how you feel and ask your parts how you feel about me.

I might not be the person to deliver this message to you and so I encourage anyone who watches this to ask themselves if they even think that I’m healed enough to be giving them this information, from a survivor-to-survivor perspective. You never know- I never know, I’ll say, I never know who is gonna carry the message to me and who isn’t. So if I’m not that person, I encourage you to look elsewhere, but if something I say resonates with you, I encourage you to keep listening if you feel that it is safe for you to do so.

Lastly, I want to say that, as I’m not a therapist, having a safe therapist who can help you go through the process of deprogramming yourself may be vital for you. Again, I’m not trying to speak for anyone or give anyone advice, however I will say that it is strongly recommended by all the literature and all the professionals that we survivors have professionals who we can go to for support.

Now, that’s not always possible. I personally have not been able to find a safe therapist. In fact, many of the therapists I’ve had, if not all of them (I believe there was one, at least one who wasn’t)- many of the therapists I’ve had have been planned by the cult that I grew up in, who were part of the cult or programmed by the cult to keep my programming in line, to oppress survivors, pretend to be helpful, but really be there as agents of the cult and of the cult network, the network of ritual abusers who work together to keep their victims enslaved.

I lost track of what I was saying. This may happen to me a lot. I’m still polyfragmented and I switch every few seconds sometimes, so please forgive me.

Safe therapists: if you can, find a safe therapist if you don’t have one already. That would be the recommended way to do any other kind of healing approach, to use any of the tools that I share, to use any tools that you find elsewhere. Basically, it’s not encouraged by the professional community to treat yourself.

However, I myself have had to do that, mostly on my own, and so that’s part of what I have to offer- is that it is possible, it has been possible for me to break free largely on my own.

Okay, my video is about to time out. I can only do nine minutes or so at a time. So I hope that I’ve said what’s needed to be said and in the next video I’m going to address another, final piece of this disclaimer about suicide programming. Thank you.


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